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2024 Year of Quality

President Alexander Lukashenko signed the Decree No. 375 On Declaring 2024 the Year of Quality.

This decision has been taken in order to further improve the quality of life of the Belarusian people, ensure the competitiveness of the national economy in the world arena, stimulate initiative, form the society’s responsibility for the results of its labor and a sense of involvement in the future of the country.

The Year of Quality will focus on increasing the competitiveness of Belarus through careful and thoughtful use of resources, implementation of high-tech and energy-intensive projects, and prioritizing of qualitative indicators over quantitative ones. Efforts will be focused on ensuring quality indicators by stimulating initiative, introducing rationalization ideas, strengthening social optimism in society, and the desire to create for the common good. It is planned to give priority attention to the formation of personal responsibility among the population for achieving a high quality of life (sufficient income, timely medical examination, healthy nutrition, good education, cultural leisure).

Quality all around!

Decree No. 375 dated November 27, 2023 On Declaring 2024 the Year of Quality

RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS dated January 16, 2024 No. 41 On the Republican Action Plan for the Year of Quality in 2024